Wednesday, November 01, 2006

People of the world, Google has not declared the results of the Wordmaster Challenge. So I post my entry here for you to judge. Wotsay?

It is absurd and weird that men are better than horses because of their horse sense. What if the horses imagine an impossible scene of making men 'had been; what if they put on their thinking hats, and go inside a box to analyze phenomena, to experiment, to create? Their inquisitive faculties, incisive observations, and horse power and energy might just rein in all the luck, and give them the right direction. You never know! When they come out of the box, they might just say ' Eureka'! Archimedes had discovered the principle of floating, they might discover principles of emoting, doting, gloating all of which are vanishing from the human race. Swift had written about this in Gulliver's Travels . Hyounyms were master horses, Yahoos were slave men. You don't think it's practical? Did anyone think that a djinn called Google would be possible? Now we know why Google overrides Yahoo. The horse power may cause men-o-pause. It's time to give up?

Time to think out of the box?
What do you think of this innovation?
I think it rocks.
I have put on all my thinking hats and socks!

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